Chlamydia test can help you with a free chlamydia test. It is conducted using a home test that will be sent to your home address in a discreet envelope. If the test indicates that you have chlamydia, you will be contacted by a midwife for treatment. In Sweden, both the test and treatment for chlamydia are free of charge for you as a patient.

Who should get tested for chlamydia?

You should get tested if any of the following apply:

  • If you have had unprotected sex, even if you have no symptoms.

  • If you have symptoms that could be related to chlamydia.

  • If you have had sex with someone who has a chlamydia infection, you must get tested. It is your obligation under the communicable diseases act because chlamydia is classified as a contagious disease.

The symptoms of chlamydia can vary. Some may experience clear symptoms, while others may have no symptoms at all.

Symptoms of chlamydia may include:

  • Burning sensation during urination.

  • Discharge from the vagina, rectum, or penis.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

  • Pain and swelling in the testicles.

  • Bleeding between menstrual periods.

To order our home test, you must be over 16 years old, have a Swedish personal identification number, and mobile bank ID.

What does it cost?

Both the chlamydia test and treatment for chlamydia are free of charge for you as a patient.

Guidelines for those who may be infected with chlamydia

As chlamydia is covered by the communicable diseases act, there are guidelines you must follow if you have or are suspected of having chlamydia:

  • If the test shows that you have chlamydia, you must participate in contact tracing.

  • If you have or suspect you have chlamydia, you must inform your sexual partner(s).

  • While waiting for test results, you must use protection if you have sex and suspect you have chlamydia.

  • If the test shows that you have chlamydia, you must use protection during sexual activity. The safest option is to abstain from sex to avoid the risk of transmitting the infection to others until your treatment is complete.

How do I get tested?

You start by contacting us through our app. After logging in with your bank ID, you will reach a page where you can choose the reason for seeking care. There, you should select 'chlamydia test.' You will then answer a few questions that appear in a chat box. It only takes a few minutes to answer the questions.

A chlamydia test is personal and can only be used by the person who ordered the test. The test is a home test and will be sent to your registered address.

How do I take the test?

The test is sent to you in a discreet padded envelope and includes instructions and everything you need to take the test. You then send the test to the lab in the prepaid box provided.

Women take the test using a swab in the vagina, and men use a urine test strip. The test is easy to perform, and the results are reliable.

How do I get my test result?

When your test result is ready, you will find it on your pages on 1177. You will receive an SMS notification when your test result is available.

To view the result, log in to your pages, choose journal services, and then notes. There, you will find your test result along with an explanation of how to interpret it.

If you want to talk to a doctor or midwife, just contact us through the app.

What should I do if I can't find my test result?

If you cannot find your test result even though you received an SMS notification that it's available, you can contact us on through the app, and we will assist you.

What should I do if the test result doesn't arrive?

If you haven't received any notification about the test result 8 days after sending the test by mail, you should contact us on through the app, and we will assist you.

I have ordered a chlamydia test, but it has not arrived. What should I do?

If you haven't received your test, you can contact us on through the app, and we will assist you.

What does your test measure?

A home chlamydia test can indicate whether you have chlamydia in the urethra (in men) or in the vagina (in women). If you may have been infected through anal intercourse, you cannot receive results through a home test and need to get tested at a clinic.

What should I do if the test shows that I have chlamydia?

If the test indicates that you have chlamydia, you will soon be contacted by staff from with specific expertise in contact tracing, and you will then receive treatment. Treatment for chlamydia is free of charge for you as a patient.

What is infection tracing?

Infection tracing is a collective term for the work we do in healthcare to ensure that everyone who may have been infected with chlamydia is contacted, undergoes testing, and receives treatment if necessary. As healthcare providers, we have an obligation under the Communicable Diseases Act to trace and limit the spread of certain infectious diseases, and chlamydia is one of them. According to the same law, anyone suspected of being infected with chlamydia has an obligation to participate in testing, infection tracing, and treatment. We collaborate with other healthcare providers on infection tracing.

Healthcare providers with questions about infection tracing can contact us at Please note that sensitive information, such as personal data, should not be sent via email.

How is chlamydia treated?

Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics, which are taken in tablet form. If you follow the treatment instructions, you will get rid of the infection.

I have received a letter stating that I may be infected; do I have to get tested?

You received the letter because someone you have had sex with has chlamydia, which means you may have been exposed to the infection. The person who has been infected has an obligation to assist with infection tracing and has therefore provided your name so that you can get tested.

You must get tested if you have received this letter; it is an obligation under the communicable diseases act. The test is easy to perform and free of charge for you as a patient. If you are 16 years or older and have mobile bank ID, you can order a test by logging into the app and selecting the category 'genital area.' If you are under 16 years old, you need to get tested at a physical clinic, such as a youth clinic.

I have no symptoms, do I still need to get tested?

If you have received a letter urging you to get tested, you must do so. Chlamydia is classified as a contagious disease, and as healthcare providers, we have an obligation to ensure that everyone who may be infected gets tested.

Keep in mind that many people who are infected do not experience symptoms but still carry the infection, potentially spreading it to others. Learn more about chlamydia here.

10 Oktober, 202310 Oktober, 2023

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